
Garden tips!

Getting Started

Around the garden 
Level 1/10 
When your a low level your always looking for high mulch and experience ,always try get high exp so you can level up fast and get better plants that are worth more and then you can start getting plants that more focus on mulch more so you can decorate your nest 

On ya feet

Around the garden 
Level 10/15 
When your heading for the next big number level always look for orchard anglers or pea plants ,both these plants are high in exp and they can get you started really easily ,also when the odd bee cap comes up in the garden shop buy as much as those as you can ,and always save your mulch for your garden , don't concentrate on your nest yet! 

Handling the big numbers

Around the garden 
Level 20/25  

Now your in the big mulch business ,still concentrate on exp but this time you can concentrate on mulch to (you can start decorating your nest) try buy all the rare seeds (bling caps are usually available in early mornings)but when the rare ones aint available you can still use angler orchards ,they are very good plants .if your not tycoon carry on buying pea plants or the occasional mushroom and keep on buying bee caps if they are available    

Mulch bags

Around the garden 
Level 25/60 
Now you can start relaxing a bit on your garden plant on the out side of your garden about 3 layers of swedes on the edge of your garden ,then put the rare mushrooms and high mulch and high exp earning plants in the middle to get you quick mulch after that you can decorate your garden with statues and trees and all nice stuff like that ,and if your getting really successful with all the mulch you can make your layer of swedes bigger so you earn a little more exp to help you up the next level! 

Daily earners 


when you need quick mulch always find the daily crown and do labslab everyday don't forget to do all small games like whack a weevil and mulch shoot and also look on wevilly on the wevilly page for the daily crown
Also check out Pop weevils crosswords/wordsearch answers to help you earn mulch 
We will update bubble searches so if you need the extra mulch those will be there to help you